Unless the police come clean, we have no alternative but to refer the hand cuffing and assault incident to SUHAKAM on August 30, 2010
Perak Mentri Besar should apologise for the intended acquisition of the Indian heritage land in Sitiawan. on August 25, 2010
Tomorrow's Demonstration at Sri Manjung land office to protest agaist acquisition of Indian Heritage Land has been cancelled on August 24, 2010
Discussion in Sitiawan as to how to "protect the Heritage property of the Community" on August 23, 2010
Perak Government's decision to back down on the acquisition of the DIA is a total victory for the united and determined local Indian community on August 18, 2010
Lodging police reports at Sitiawan Police station against the acquisation of DIA land on August 18, 2010
The racist school head should be sacked for making racist remarks against non Malay students on August 17, 2010
Remind Veerasingam that if MIC is not able to help in protecting the DIA land, it should at least not hamper or criticize the DAP‘s efforts to do so. on August 17, 2010
Indians must again rise up to the occasion and play their kingmaker role in the next election to deal BN with its worst electoral defeat on August 14, 2010
New voters will be a significant factor in the Pakatan Rakyat’s battle to capture both Perak and Federal power in the next general election. on August 14, 2010
Indian Community strongly objects to the proposed acquisition of the DIA land and demands that the move be dropped on August 13, 2010