Unless resolved, DAP will continue to pursue the Interlok issue in Tenang by election & even in the General Elections. on January 22, 2011 Interlok mkula +0 Tenang By-E Interlok mkula Tenang By-E
Call on the Tenang voters to teach the " cakap tidak serupa bikin" BN Governmnet a lesson on January 21, 2011 mkula speech +0 Tenang By-E mkula speech Tenang By-E
Tenang railway squatters should be provided alternative land and compensation before they are evicted on January 06, 2011 Kg.Veran mkula +0 Tenang By-E Kg.Veran mkula Tenang By-E
Unless resolved, DAP will make the Interlock controversy a major issue in the upcoming Tenang by election. on January 04, 2011 Interlok mkula +0 Tenang By-E Interlok mkula Tenang By-E
Indian voters will play a very important and in fact decisive role in Tenang on December 19, 2010 Indian m.kula +0 Tenang By-E Indian m.kula Tenang By-E