My daughter in London is a voter in Selangor, says DCM on February 02, 2013 Election commission +0 general election Election commission general election
EC ordered NRD to give ICs, change immigrants’ names, RCI told on January 16, 2013 Election commission +0 sabah RCI Election commission sabah RCI
Butt out of parties' internal affairs, DAP tells EC on January 05, 2013 dap +0 Election commission dap Election commission
Ambiga: Bersih’s ‘citizen observers’ will be non-partisan on December 20, 2012 ambiga bersih +0 Election commission ambiga bersih Election commission
Gov't agency registering foreign-born as voters on October 12, 2012 Election commission general election + ong kian ming Election commission general election ong kian ming
EC top two still in Umno, PKR wants duo to quit on April 27, 2012 +0 Election commission Election commission