Malaysians have heard enough of assurances and steps taken to prevent more custodial deaths. Implement IPCMC now! on June 11, 2013 custodial death dap EAIC ipcmc m.kula Paul Low + police custodial death dap EAIC ipcmc m.kula Paul Low police
Pua: Revamped or not, EAIC designed to fail on June 10, 2013 custodial death EAIC ipcmc justice Paul Low police + tony pua custodial death EAIC ipcmc justice Paul Low police tony pua
Any revamp of EAIC will make little difference on June 10, 2013 custodial death EAIC ipcmc +0 Yoursay custodial death EAIC ipcmc Yoursay
Do we really need the IPCMC? ― Nicholas Chan on June 06, 2013 custodial death EAIC ipcmc justice Nicholas Chan + police custodial death EAIC ipcmc justice Nicholas Chan police