
3 deaths in 11 days: Waytha has to go, says Kula

DAP: Zahid and IGP don't care about Dhamendran

Karuna is third death-in-custody victim in 11 days

It's not 'demoralisation' Zahid should worry about

'Malaysians are demoralised by rogue police officers'

Zahid may want to be an UMNO “hero” for the upcoming UMNO party elections by being a macho and belligerent Home Minister who dare to declare DAP unlawful even if it is gross abuse of power -Lim Kit Siang

Bar Council urges automatic investigation of police shootings

The PM's post-mortem-Dean Johns

Bishop denounces selective prosecutions

DAP: Special police panel on custodial deaths a waste of time

Three questions for the Home Minister on the spate of deaths in police lock ups.