
Why is Bank Negara aiding the government by advising against the rise of Minimum Wage?

(FMT) Govt catering to businesses by delaying new minimum wage, says Kula

Government must not use "delay tactics" when dealing with the Anti Hopping law, do it before Election season begins

Thaipusam show of unity must be recognised by the government

Urgent need for Police personnel to be trained and equipped with principles of natural justice and human rights

Happy Pongal 2022

By The Vibes : One-day Dewan sitting to debate floods a joke: Kula Segaran

(FMT) PH wants RCI, special parliament sitting on floods

Vultures who have hijacked funds of MITRA should be exposed and punished. Will the National Unity Minister do this?

MPs question MACC's probe into misappropriation of Mitra funds, claim lack of transparency (Malay Mail)

Youths must be engaged to play a major role in political movement

The Malaysian government is irrational in vetoing the possibility of Malaysians working on Australian farms

Sosco must extent Funeral Benefits and invalidity penchant scheme to Theva’s Wife