
Will the state Government walk the talk on the People First slogan and stand up for the Kg Tai Lee residents?

Come Next General Election, The Indian Voters Must Teach BN a Bigger Lesson

Why brain drain will continue

Guan Eng insists on anti-hopping law in Penang

MCA’s record on education: Shameful and pathetic — Koon Yew Yin

Young fence-sitters, women key to victory in next elections

Are inflammatory religious remarks now fair game? — Pak Sako

Putrajaya misjudged ‘right-thinking’ Malaysians, Ambiga tells Bloomberg

Penang mulls law to bar political party hoppers

Malaysia yet to show ‘credible’ plan to tackle deficit, says Fitch

DAP prepared to propose anti-hopping law

Probe May 13 to move on, says Kit Siang

On YouTube, Kit Siang opens up about Malaysia’s darkest chapter