
Health Minister Should Explain on steps taken to adress oversupply of Doctors.

MCA and MIC fails to support motion to censure Defence Minister

Motion to cut Defense Minister's allowance

News Released from Makkal Osai - 08/12/2010

Fan Yew Teng the legend - 07/12/2010

Discount for traffic offence should be a permanent policy - 07/12/2010

PM has good and unavoidable reasons to call for early polls

UCE recognized world wide except in Malaysia!

Any educator who utters racial slurs should get the sack

Samy's appointment as special envoy can PM justify? Nanban 02/12/2010

Samy's appointment as special envoy can PM justify?

Construction costs of double train track Ipoh-KL has balooned over 300 percent from Initial cost