The Indian community will be celebrating Pongal on Friday. The Pongal festival is particularly observed by Tamil and Telugu people in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, United States, Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia.
Pongal is celebrated after a bountiful harvest.
What is significant about the Pongal festival is the meaning of boiling over which symbolises the breaking of boundaries among the people where the community as whole, irrespective of religion, celebrates the intimate connection between the community and the food produced for human sustenance.
The worship of the sun resembles universalism, since it provides light to the entire planet and helps grow food for consumption.
In the context of Malaysia, we have gone through difficult times over the last two years. Families have lost their loved ones due to Covid 19 and quite a number of Malaysians have lost their income due to retrenchment and layoffs. Many have gone hungry. during the MCO period.
In spite of these grim situations we should build hope among the community by coming together to celebrate this auspicious festival and sharing food that is boiled over.
It should be an opportunity to create the light of solidarity among the community during these hard times especially those who are poor and hungry.
We need to abhor corruption in all forms as witnessed currently in the country is destroying much needed resources which could be used to feed and empower the poor in our country.
Many political leaders including Prime Ministers from UK, Canada and Australia, issue statements and even videos to congratulate those who are celebrating Pongal in their countries.
In this respect I urge Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob to issue a statement to acknowledge the relevance of Pongal.
It is my ardent desire, that the boiling over of good will would prevail among all the communities that would lead to solidarity and progress.
The dream of a better Malaysia will only materialise if we harness, accolade, accommodate and appreciate all our cultural differences and embrace our diversity.
M. Kula Segaran, MP Ipoh Barat
13th January 2022
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