Changing approaches adopted by HR leaders

The digital revolution is definite marching ahead. HR and human resources departments will see the professional ecosystem change from a tech perspective. If it is true that the process cannot be stopped, it becomes interesting to analyze the approaches adopted by both HR leaders and employees to adapt to a unpredictable future. (VUCA)
Leadership will be vital in conveying the transition to digital to be virtuous; evolution must necessarily take place in taking decisions. "To be more agile and responsive in uncertain times, HR leaders will need to move away from top-down change" Gartner research

What are the constant changes?

AI and automation is the current trend to bring efficiencies for business transformations. It has been implemented across all in the world for many business operations. AI will also appear in other HR processes, automating activities with low added value and speeding up decision-making processes. The role of HR is also changing, more strategic and specialized. The HR department of the future, no longer having to deal with many repetitive tasks. All these processes will be supported by AI-based applications and processes and the slow disappearance of generalist HR tasks/jobs.

Adapatability is a paradigm that will be applied to the whole company. Not only in the way of working - with increasing use of HR resources remote working, but also outsourced job, shared services and digitally enabled shared operations. Leadership style and technology will change, which will be more adaptable, flexible and pervasive and focus point with business sustenance.

People Analytics will be a focus to improve the quality of HR for predictions, and that will support informed decision makings. Research conducted by LinkedIn, human resources professionals count HR Analytics and People Analytics among their key skills.

Focus on Employee Engagement and Employee Experience. Leading companies are already doing this, and many more will be undertaking this processing of connecting every touch-point between employee and company in the smallest detail. This will cover from through recruitment, career plans, employee wellness programs, attention to diversity and personalized compensation. Attention to each employee and they will be rewarded personalized engaging programs.

Skill management and Skilling: The major challenge for HR leaders is recruiting new skills and utilizing the available skills. HR has to identify the required skills and matching skills with rights resources. In-depth skills analysis and matching with leads to re-skilling / upskilling  to cope with the rapid changes in the world of work caused by digitalization it will be necessary to update or - sometimes - change the skills of employees to ensure that they do not become obsolete. A big support will come from new technologies and from the possibility of delivering micro-learning, digital training content on mobile and virtual training.

This year, 2020 welcomes with exciting promise for HR leaders, with a range of operational, strategic and change management opportunities. HR leaders take a critical role in businesses than ever before. They have to face these changes by smart adoptions, along with daily business challenges provided by a competitive global marketplace.
