What would reskilling entail in the 21st-century tech economy?

reskilling for tech economy
Picture Courtesy: https://www.flickr.com/photos
We have discussed what it means to re-skill in today’s tech job market. So let’s take a look at what job profiles people will need to get reskilled in this new 21st-century tech job market.
First, the global economy has seen a boom in the number of tech jobs. This includes roughly the following jobs:
1. AI and ML developers
2. Mechanical engineers with electronics training
3. Web developers
4. General application developers
5. Robotics developers
6. Hardware engineers
7. IoT developers
8. Biotech engineers
9. Firmware developers
10. Data scientists
And many others. However, the aforementioned jobs/skills are the most common ones. However, here is a caveat. Recently, many have begun going for AI and data science. Thankfully, most of the lot has not been able to make it due to the inability to understand the science behind it.
If you know the technical basics well, you can easily surpass most of the competition and get a foot in the door for these jobs. If you want to become a web developer, rather than go for PHP, Java or .NET, it’s better to learn technologies like Python, Kotlin or GoLang.
