Reskilling Makes You A Global Citizen And This Is How


Relevant skills for any time are dictated by the level of technological progress and what is in demand in the current market. With the evolution of technology, markets also evolve and thus the requirement for various job profiles changes.
The globalized world is characterized not only by interdependence of economies and businesses but also by jobs that are universally in demand. This involves not only tech jobs but also other jobs that hold international relevance.
However, if you have been set in a job for a decade or two and find your profile becoming redundant, you certainly cannot reskill yourself as a doctor or a CA!
Fret not because the following job profiles will help you become a truly world-citizen since these job profiles are more in demand today. They include various job profiles such as tech field jobs as well as jobs that are more artistic or cultural.
Since technologies like IoT, AI and smart web/application development are globally in demand, you can get a job anywhere in the world where these jobs are relevant.
Speaking of culture-oriented jobs, profiles like translators and acculturation experts can help you get a job in newly emerging nations like ours, China, Brazil,  or old emergent non-Anglo economies like Germany, Russia and Japan, thus helping you become truly a global citizen.
