Building Self Confidence. Being a responsible person makes you feel good.

self confidence

What is self-confidence? That's the belief or assurance in oneself. The confidence that you can handle the challenges that life throws you in the way. The belief that by thinking, diligent work and staying tuned, you can achieve everything you have planned for. It is like you have confidence in your strength. It is your ability to achieve your self-imposed goals. That's self-confidence.

For example, self-confidence plays a key role or it acts very well if you think of reorienting or yourself professionally. Or if you dare to change from a job to a business man (from a job seeker to a job provider) and you may think it is painful path.  Or if you trust yourself to take a responsible job. Or maybe try out to turn your hobby into your profession


The lack of self-confidence can also be related to fear. Because you do not believe in yourself, you feel afraid or have a fear of not being able to achieve what you planned to do and do not even attempt.

This kind of fear can be experienced when you want to change your habits, routine and our comfort zones.  When you want to cross a rope bridge any jungle bridge, anyone can have fear in the beginning. But the majority may pass the bridge quickly. That same fear will occur of persons with no self-confidence; it can be changed. You are determined to cross the bridge or a new change in your life, but for some reason, you will have a strong feel that you cannot reach the other end. Then, you decide to stay on that safe and comfort zone, which you have already familiar.

Everybody in earth would have felt at least once on insecurity and lack of self-confidence. However, they would face it with bold mind, removing fear and surpassed those challenges. Lack of confidence or lack of trust within you will form a barrier between who you are and what you want to be.

Lack of trust within you can limit all the potential you have and, it becomes an obstacle to achieving what you want. But, the good news is that stop feeling fear and gain more confidence is a skill that is learned and trained

Is it possible to strengthen self-esteem? 

Yes, one can do this by themselves or can seek a coach.

Simple steps for "care for you'

Self-esteem and self-esteem also have to do with how well you care for yourself. You're responsible for making you feel good, nobody else! Take responsibility for your life and take care of your needs.

First Know your limits and make sure they are respected. Take care of everything you need: rest, proper nutrition, adequate exercise, exciting new experiences, enough sleep, and so on.

Plan and do your activities with responsibility and being a responsible person makes you feel good.

Read about others who have achieved in sports, science or any branch of work.

Give yourself comfort if something does not work out well, and pat yourself on the shoulder when you succeed.

Be nice to you!


There are specialized coaches can mentor and change the status of people. Think about sportsmen and women, who starts from nothing and gain world reputations, think about administrators, doctors, man professionals. Majority of them were coached or mentored by their teachers or coaches.  A coach can target to strengthen the self-esteem of a person. This is the one reason, each time the sports person raise their achievement bar/ metrics in his or her performance.

To summarise,

Self-confidence is the conviction of his abilities, of his or her value as a person confidently expressing himself. It is about anyone who recognizes his personality through specific thinking processes. Self-confidence, Self-esteem,  self-assurance are other related terms that are used by many occasions. All of them are in the same sense. This can be built by self or through a coach. Follow a routine to build self confidence. Whoever has confidence in his/her abilities, it is a fact that they are conscious of their skills and considers it as valuable.
