Changing technology landscapes, new needs and new skills.

collaborative skills

Change is constant. It applies to factories and manufacturing organisations. The significant impact of technology is currently on how to design the manufacturing processes. This change involves using new skills like design, technology development and applications. Shortly we can expect a total overhaul of the industrial ecosystem (collaborative manufacturing, small production units, products adapted to demand ) with an impact on the supply chain and new skills needs such as time to market, order to sales and the data protection.

The value chain of manufacturing has a specificity: its scope. It covers people, materials, design, manufacturing process and technology applications.

Connectivity, smart machines and Fifth generation cellular network (5G) are shaping the world we live in, as well as support the new age manufacturing, Industry 4.0. The skills that businesses need are changing dramatically, changing the landscape of employment.


New Needs and New skills

To understand the new skills that companies need, it is necessary to identify the fundamental transformations that modify the competitive framework of these:

The nature of digital technology in the design and manufacturing processes of goods and services are changing. Business transformation enabled by digital transformation in the organisations.

Increasing global competition, collaborative work models, International regulations are changing the employment pattern of all companies. Example: Collaborative R&D requires product design skills that are working on remote platforms, connecting different geographic locations.

The green economy is creating new jobs faster than jobs are disappearing in the polluting sectors. Example: Globally, e-automotive is picking very fast in the automobile sector.

These changes in the competitive environment mean, for companies, profoundly renewed competitiveness criteria. For businesses, the challenge is to meet a more complex and versatile demand, while keeping design, manufacturing and distribution costs low. Anxiety about workers being replaced by BOTS is common.

Along with challenges, organisations are building a new approach to creating and managing jobs, while the centre of attention is competence and competitiveness.
