Skill up-gradation and increase earning potential for women

skills upgradation for women

Women today are far more fortunate than their grand-mothers when it comes to studying and landing the job of their dreams after graduation. However, in the fast-paced work place environment it has become extremely difficult for people to stay on within a job, unless continued learning is undertaken to keep up with developments. 
These developments are in every field of employment and women cannot afford to sit back otherwise they may find that they are retrenched or may never get desired promotion.
Benefits of up-gradation for women
·       A boost in confidence, acquired from the training, is one of the most important benefits of up-gradation for women.
·       Gaining a good reputation and admiration from colleagues, because of the special knowledge learned, affords women well-deserved respect in their workplace. 
·       Understanding breeds familiarity with the work and this creates a climate of contentment at work, which leads to a healthier employee. 
How women can seek up-gradation?
Many organizations and businesses offer training programs. Often, employers don’t consider up-gradation important but women can draw their attention to its significance. The internet is full of resources for learning and there are also online e- courses (easy to follow at own pace) in just about every field. 
Earning potential and up-gradation
Up-gradation allows women to have more skills, which will in turn increase their productivity. The cost which companies lose in manpower is soon made up by increased productivity. Increased productivity inevitably means an increased salary because of the added skill and a far greater chance for promotion. 
Many companies feel trepidation about up-gradation because they fear losing trained employees, but without improving skills, employees cannot be more productive. 
Skills Up-gradation provides income security and for many women that equals an improvement in the quality of their life.
