Those old days workers were brought into Plantation sectors by the British as the locals refuse or reluctant to work in harsh conditions like  thick jungle , malaria , poor sanitary conditions. However the British to boost the economy they had to rely on this workers from India China etc.

A similar situation has arisen now where there is a shortage of labor in the plantation sector and now the Indonesian, Vietnamese  and Bangladeshis  are refusing to work because of better working conditions in urban sites. Plantations are suffering from lack of labor to harvest the fruits and the government is obligated to meet their demands as the country is heavily dependent on palm oil for economic growth.

The minister met plantation owners in a forum and a request was made by some of the plantation owners if Malaysia could take in African labor to  meet the shortage in Malaysia.
All major plantation companies like Sime Darby etc, have invested in Africa in oil palm plantations and Africans are employed there.

 As a Human Resource Minister YB Kula in a diplomatic manner answered that this suggestion would be considered.
