The law must punish cyberbullying severely

 Media Statement  

The law must punish cyberbullying severely


Cyberbullying, a form of bullying or harassment that takes place over digital devices, entailing harassment, denigration, social exclusion and other effects, leads to various forms of severe and long-lasting impact to victims including emotional destress, depression, loneliness, and health problems. For A. Rajeswary (Esha), it led to death. 

This is most sad, shocking and unacceptable.

To compound matters, the fine of only RM100 imposed on one of the accused in the said matter yesterday is truly disappointing but is reflective and underscores the gaping lacunae in the law on cyberbullying in the country.

I am made to understand that the position of the law at present in relation to cyberbullying leading to death, is most intricate. 

However, we cannot allow such vile criminals who cyberbully to the extent of death, to be let off with a mere slap on the wrist. There must be full research and discovery into every provision of the law to enable prosecution for this vile atrocious act to the full extent of the law, including imprisonment where deemed fit by the court. 

Today in a meeting with MPs in Parliament House Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim has similarly expressed his serious concerns on cyberbullying in the country. 

The government is at present urgently exploring amendments to necessary laws, or new legislation, to combat and prosecute cyberbullying more effectively and with harsher penalties.

Till these amendments are passed in Parliament this year, there are several interim measures that the government will impose in the interim in this regard which will be announced in due course. There must also be other provisions of laws with harsher penalties explored to be employed in prosecuting cyberbullies severely and effectively till then.

It has come high time that cyberbullying is dealt with severely and that cyberbullies face the full force of our laws.

M. Kula Segaran 

MP for Ipoh Barat

17th July 2024
