CLP Exams: Toughest in the world? — but syllabus not current? Issues raised to LPQB

Following public feedback on the various shortcomings of the Certificate of the Legal Practice (CLP) examination, I met with Puan Nik Rosmilawati, Director of the CLP examination yesterday to discuss the same.

I raised various aspects of the CLP with the director that are in need of dire short-term reform. This includes the reviewing four-term attempt limit and allowing for the review of exam scripts. 

I also raised the need to revise the CLP syllabus to make the CLP a more practical exam similar to the Bar Training Course (BTC) in the United Kingdom, with subjects such as advocacy and mooting, which will better train law graduates to meet industry needs of the legal profession.  

Further, we also discussed cumulative sitting of the CLP exams which would allow students who have failed certain subjects to only have to resit those subjects in the same registration period instead of resitting for all subjects. 

Our discussion was productive. Puan Nik Rosmilawati will now bring all of the matters I have raised to the Legal Profession Qualifying Board (LPQB), chaired by the Attorney-General and consisting of among others the President of the Malaysian Bar, for further deliberation at their sitting in the middle of next month. 

I will also be meeting with the LPQB soon to discuss these matters directly with the LPQB as well. 

We hope to have favourable news soon.
