Organizational skills mapping for Digital Transformation

COVID-19 is a game-changer for Digital Transformation. ref:@ EY.  June 1st 2020.  Along with the health & business challenges, global tech leaders, digital experts and management research companies are mentioning this statement in many forums.  However, the question is how our businesses can takes this opportunity and adopting it thoughtfully? What are the steps to be taken for these initiatives? Do we have the right people ad technology capabilities to scale up the digital transformation projects?

For the last two decades, companies have accepted the fact that digitalization on business processes and it is crucial now. Do we have the right skills sets and resources to meet this transformation opportunities?

Skill development for Digital Transformation:

I am looking at the people perspective.  Whether for digital transformation or gaining competitive advantage or not, skill development is crucial to build organizational skills. This organizational skills building is critical for organizations to compete and to stay afloat, especially when the economy unexpected challenges like now. Organizations must be able to measure their skills & competencies capability and map it for digital transformation initiatives. If not appropriately planned, then it is planning for failure. It is about updating / scaling-up the competencies, aptitudes and abilities that each organizations acquires to support transformation changes.

Skills Mapping and Planning:

To support a short term as well as long term transformation changes, enterprises should use their abilities and competences to react to changes in the business environment skillfully. This is in particular to search for right skills and use right job skills appropriate & relevant for rapid pace of reforms and changes. A detailed skills mapping exercises allow organizations and employees to participate openly in choosing right people who they consider will add value and who will best adapt to the digital transformation projects. Followed by job-skills matching, continuous skills planning and development allows the organization to pose, execute effective solutions to problems and conflicts, to meet digital transformation goals.

The New Workforce:

It is a fact that robots replace human jobs - this is the debate of the decade. Although in reality, this is happening very slowly in some industries and it is faster for some. The good point here is that employers are maintaining their number of employees as a result of automation. Instead of reducing job opportunities, organizations are investing in digital technology, delegating some tasks to robots, and creating jobs. At the same time, companies are expanding their knowledge so that their human workforce can perform new and complementary functions to machines. So new workforce is made up of human and machines/automation. ( Example: Robotic Process Automation)

So the new workforce's organizational skill is the collective skills of people and machines and ability to perform a task. It's their collective conscience and ability to act and be pro-active for specific actions to attain transformation goals. While it is true that all the required skills such as Industry 4.0 are available in the very early stages of the company, however, companies need right skills mapping and see the skill gap, so that skills can be developed, and it is a continuous process.

It seems that a proper skill mapping strategy for digital transformation should include a current skills inventory and based on the forecast of the future situation, future skills to be developed. Skills trends and forecast of the industry, are to be monitored to acquire skills assets. Skills analytics provides accurate information about the current and future predictions to have take informed decisions for the digital projects. Finding the right balance is a challenging task for many organizations. For this, organizations may use skills experts, tools and technologies to prepare skills mapping, skills planning and skill development programs.

To summarise, to catch up with the digital transformation, companies must be able to identify their organizational or collective skill mapping and have ready-to-deploy resources for digital transformational projects. If one company don't do this, the competition will do. Employees will leave for a better technology experience. What matters now is skills The skills revolution is in full swing.
