How to arm the social intelligence for teamwork in organizations?:
Our personal, professional success depends less on our IQ or organizational success depends on collection intelligence. Our qualifications and technical competence is one step below than on our emotional skills for building excellence in our performance, says American psychologist Daniel Goleman. A concept that was discovered in the 90s by American psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer, Goleman was the first to democratize emotional intelligence and make it an asset, even a strategic issue for companies. In just a few years, Emotional intelligence has become an increasingly sought-after skill. This intelligence has little to do with what we have learned in school and goes beyond the intellectual abilities and technical skills required for the job.
Emotional intelligence aims to identify its emotions and the reasons behind them. It also involves recognizing the feelings of others, understanding their origins and creating the conditions that transform negative emotions into positive ones. Besides, EI is particularly useful in many areas, such as:
- Communication
- Decision making
- The leadership
- The sale
- Teamwork
- The performance
- Conflict management
The employee is regularly confronted with the influence of his or her emotions, but also those of his/her colleagues & the society. The company now operates in a complex, changing, volatile and violent world. The violence is not physical, but economic, political, psychological and social. Emotional intelligence takes on its full meaning in businesses, public services and local and regional authorities.
Management techniques by emotional intelligence have already initiated in some organizations, at the forefront of managerial methods and systems, especially companies looking for business transformations
However, this technique, the father of which is the American psychologist Daniel GOLEMAN, has shown its formidable results and effectiveness.
D GOLEMAN has researched hundreds of companies, studied thousands of cases and drawn the following conclusions: the people who succeed, the most effective managers, the business leaders who prosper are not those who have the better Intelligent Quotient, but those with good Emotional quotient. EQ is the emotional quotient that measures emotional intelligence.
We should train employees and managers to build social intelligence that can transform the organization to synergy and higher growth.
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