Recognizing the serious consequences of the inadequate regulation and oversight of the international
trade in conventional weapons
Taking note of the extensive panoply of international treaties and other agreements already in place
that seek to better regulate this trade, including the UN Programme of Action To Prevent, Combat and
Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects., the UN Firearms Protocol,
the International Tracing Instrument and the Arms Trade Treaty, as well as a number of Regional
Conventions worldwide that address the same challenges
Welcoming the adoption of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) on 2 April 2013 and its entry into force on 24
December, 2014
Welcoming Also the fact that 130 countries signed the ATT within the prescribed period and that, to
date, 78 UN Member States have ratified it and recalling with appreciation that Members of PGA have
played an important role in the domestic processes leading to 32 of the 78 ratifications to date of the
Arms Trade Treaty
Mindful of the importance, and many ways, that Members of Parliament can play in promoting
adherence to these international treaties and agreements by our respective governments
Mindful also of the importance of involving women in a prominent way, and at all levels, in the
negotiation processes leading to the ratification and implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty, given the
disproportionate negative impact of the illicit trade in conventional weapons on women
Recognizing Also the essential role that international and regional organizations, civil society as well as
other concerned stakeholders can play in providing information, advice and expertise to more
effectively address the inadequate regulation of the international arms trade
Acknowledging the importance of taking a holistic approach, mutually supportive steps at the national,
regional and international level to better regulate and control the trade in arms
Determined to improve the safety of our cities, the security of our peoples and to promote peaceful
societies, in accordance with Goals 11 and 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United

We, Members of Parliament from 50 countries worldwide gathered at PGA’s 37th Annual Forum, will
take one or more of the following steps, as appropriate, upon conclusion of this Annual Forum
1) Reach out to our colleagues in Government to encourage greater and improved compliance with
international treaties and agreements regulating transfer of conventional weapons, in
particular to promote ratification and implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty in our
respective countries
2) Convene Committee, Sub-Committee Meetings or Caucus Meetings in our respective
Parliaments as a means of highlighting the important, and often essential, role that
Parliamentarians can play in promoting improved oversight of the export and import of
conventional weapons and their use
3) Reach out to media outlets in our respective countries to publicize our efforts to promote
improved regulation of the transfer of small arms and light weapons and to promote ratification
and implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty, highlighting its importance for all
4) Undertake to ensure that the victims of inadequate regulation of the international arms trade
are properly taken into account in the ratification and implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty
5) Undertake Also to advocate for the destruction of any weapons that may be confiscated or
seized in the implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty
6) Commit to share this Plan of Action with the Speakers of Parliament of all countries, including
the major arms exporting countries, that have not yet become a State Party to the Arms Trade
Treaty to encourage them to take this step and to also properly implement the Arms Trade
7) Consult further with PGA to develop national road maps or additional strategies to promote
ratification and implementation of the ATT in our respective countries and keep in contact with
and inform PGA within 2 months of the conclusion of this Annual Forum of steps we have taken
pursuant to this Plan of Action
8) Express our sincere appreciation to the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador and PGA for their
organization of this Annual Forum as well as to sponsor organizations and governments who
generously supported this event
Done this 30th day of November, 2015 in San Salvador
