Attacks on Ambiga will hurt BN's support in coming general election.

Press Statement by M Kula Segaran, DAP National Vice Chairman and MP for Ipoh Barat after handing over “Solidarity with Ambiga” signatures to Dato Ambiga in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday, August 16, 2012.

Attacks on Ambiga will hurt BN's support in coming general election.

There is no doubt that right thinking Malaysians throughout the nation had been outraged by the harassment against Bersih 2.0 co chairperson Datuk Ambiga, violating her privacy, human and citizenship rights.
In our “Solidarity with Ambiga” activities, it was so clear that Malaysians were very angry that such harassment could occur to her.  

Many Malaysians also spoke of their admiration for Amiga’s courage and leadership.

In fact, not only the harassment and attacks were regarded as totally unacceptable, disgraceful, the attacks had made Malaysia a laughing stock of the world. 

Yet the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, despite being urged to publicly condemn the persistent attacks on Ambiga, has failed to do or say what is necessary and right. 

I had said much earlier said that I agreed with another Bersih leader Pak Samad‘s view that Ambiga was being targeted for her race, religion and to some extent, gender issues that were often played up by the powers-that-be.  

Hence, Najib should have immediately condemned the harassment and attacks on Ambiga. 

But he disappointed Malaysians and I believe that his silence was a factor that had caused the BN MP for Sri Gading Datul Mohamad Aziz to utter the “hang Ambiga” remarks in Parliament. 

Unfortunately, Najib disappointed Malaysians again when he only mildly reprimanded Mohamad Aziz.
Malaysians should not feel surprised if no action is taken against by the authorities against those who had harassed Ambiga. 

But I am very sure that Malaysians will show their disappointment against the Prime Minister and BN government on the attacks on Ambiga issue by voting against BN in the coming general elections.
