"Your Vote Your Destiny"

Speech by M.Kula Segaran MP Ipoh Barat and DAP National Vice Chairman at Tawas Market on 23rd January 2010

Today we are all gathered to launch the programme initiated by the Kinta Valley DAP-- Year of the Rabbit- Change programme
We are glad YB Fong Po Kuan, Sdr.Chong Chee Khing and members and supporters are all gathered at the Tawas market to make sure this programme do succeed.

As stated earlier our programme is two fold 1) to ensure new voters are registered 2) also to facilitate existing registered voters to verify if their name is on the electoral role.

All who are participating in the above programme would be given a recycle beg. In this manner we hope to educate the general public to minimize the use of plastic and plastic begs. Plastic is non biodegradable and causes severe environmental damage.

In late November2010 Minister in the PM Department stated that 11,381,193 are registered as voters. 4,304,620 who are above 21years old and eligible but have not registered as voters. Thus nearly 30 per cent eligible voters are just i dealing and are failing to exercise their right to vote.

It is said the present voters preference to vote a particular party and candidate is more or less decided. Only with new voters and many of them who are below 30years if registered are more then likely to support and vote the opposition.

Thus registering more new voters should greatly help PR to capture Putra Jaya.
